How you can contribute to this documentation ============================================ These pages are rendered using `RST/Sphinx `_ and served using `Read the Docs `_. RST is a subset of Sphinx. Sphinx is RST with some extensions. How to modify the webpages -------------------------- The source code for this documentation is hosted on You need a `GitLab `_ account to modify the sources. With a GitLab account you have two possibilities to edit the sources: * If you are member of the dalton group, you can push directly to Once you commit and push, a web-hook updates the documentation on This typically takes less than a minute. * You fork and submit your changes at some point via a merge request. This means that your changes are not immediately visible but become so after a team member reviews your changes with a mouse click thus integrating them to **Note that the entire documentation including the entire documentation source code is public.** Do not publish sensitive information and harvestable email addresses. How to locally test changes --------------------------- You do not have to push to see and test your changes. You can test them locally. For this install the necessary requirements:: $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme Then build the pages with:: $ sphinx-build . _build Then point your browser to _build/html/index.html.